

  1. Poličar, Zupan, "VERA: Generating Visual Explanations of Two-Dimensional Embeddings via Region Annotation", In review. (link)
  2. Poličar, Zupan, "Visualizing High-Dimensional Temporal Data Using Direction-Aware t-SNE", In review. (link)

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

  1. Poličar et al., "Teaching bioinformatics through the analysis of SARS-CoV-2: project-based training for computer science students", Bioinformatics, 2024. (link)
  2. Poličar et al., "openTSNE: a modular Python library for t-SNE dimensionality reduction and embedding", Journal of Statistical Software, 2024. (link)
  3. Moroz et al., "Evolution of glutamatergic signaling and synapses", Neuropharmacology, 2021. (link)
  4. Poličar et al., "Embedding to Reference t-SNE Space Addresses Batch Effects in Single-Cell Classification", Machine Learning, 2021. (link)
  5. Stražar et al., "scOrange — a tool for hands-on training of concepts from single-cell data analytics", Bioinformatics, 2019. (link)

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

  1. Poličar, Zupan, "Refining Temporal Visualizations Using the Directional Coherence Loss", Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Discovery Science, 2023. Porto, Portugal (link)
  2. Poličar et al., "Nation-wide ePrescription Data Reveals Landscape of Physicians and their Drug Prescribing Patterns in Slovenia", Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2023. Portorož, Slovenia (link)
  3. Poličar et al., "Embedding to Reference t-SNE Space Addresses Batch Effects in Single-Cell Classification", Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Discovery Science, 2019. Split, Croatia (link)

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